About Us

Amrutvam Chai

It is said that if you conquer Maharashtra, you can conquer the world. ‘Amrutvam Chai‘ has won Maharashtra’s heart and is now set to win over not only Maharashtra but India and the World’s hearts.

It is our dream to serve Amrutvam Chai to tea lovers across the globe, for which we have taken a big leap and now are planning for a giant one.

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Why Amrutvam Chai Cafe

Our Journey

The Birth of Amrutvam Chai

In Amravati, Maharashtra: Shri Vijay Hariprasad Sharma and Smt. Priya Vijay Sharma begin their journey by crafting a special chai recipe in Amravati. Their humble beginnings spark the dream of expansion and growth.

Building a Legacy in Maharashtra

Amrutvam Chai becomes synonymous with 'Amrutvam,' winning the hearts of people across Maharashtra. With dedication and a commitment to quality, the brand gains popularity, laying the foundation for future success.

Expansion and Franchising

With over 150 franchises, Amrutvam Chai expands its reach beyond Maharashtra, setting its sights on captivating tea lovers across India. The success story reflects the power of hard work and honesty in business.

Empowering Young Entrepreneurs

Recognizing the potential in aspiring entrepreneurs, Amrutvam Chai extends a helping hand to deserving youngsters eager to venture into business. Many join forces with the brand, realizing their entrepreneurial dreams and contributing to the brand's growth.

The Chai Network and Growing Together

Tea lovers across India unite under the banner of Amrutvam Chai, forming a tight-knit Chai Network. This network celebrates a shared love for tea and a passion for growth, welcoming new entrepreneurs into its fold and fostering a culture of collaboration and expansion.

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